Alcune utili cose trovate su internet

Ripristinare il menu' contestuale Windows 11

Lanciare in sequenza da CMD/ ADMIN le seguenti 3 righe 

reg add "HKCU\SOFTWARE\CLASSES\CLSID\{86ca1aa0-34aa-4e8b-a509-50c905bae2a2}\InprocServer32" /ve /f 

taskkill /im explorer.exe /f 


Installare Windows 11 senza rete

  1. Iniziate la procedura di installazione di Windows 11.
  2. Arrivati alla schermata Connettiamoci a una rete dell’OOBE, questa non permette di proseguire in assenza di una connessione.
  3. Premete Maiusc + F10 per aprire il Prompt dei comandi.
  4. Digitate OOBE\BYPASSNRO e premete Invio.
  5. Il sistema si riavvierà e una volta tornati alla schermata Connettiamoci a una rete comparirà la voce Non ho Internet.
  1. Cliccate Non ho Internet e poi ancora su Continua con configurazione limitata.
  2. A questo punto sarete in grado di portare a termine l’installazione con account locale.

Doppia WAN su Teltonika RUT 10X

Setting up second WAN interface

To change LAN port purpose to WAN you will have to perform changes in 3 different locations of RUTX10 WebUI

Creating additional VLAN

Go to Network > VLAN section in device WebUI and perform following actions:

  1. Create new VLAN ID by clicking ADD button.
  2. On VLAN ID: 1 (LAN interface), select Off from drop-down list, on port that you want to use as secondary WAN.
  3. On newly created VLAN ID (3 in this example), from drop-down list, select Untagged, on same port.
  4. After performing these actions press Save & Apply in VLAN settings.


1102px-Network_rutos_manual_lan_as_wan_vlan.png (333 KB)

Add new WAN interface

Go to Network > Interfaces WebUI section.

  1. Enter new Interface Name.
  2. Click on Add button.



1102px-Network_rutos_manual_lan_as_wan_create_interface.png (341 KB)

After doing that you will be redirected to new window to set up new interface, when there:

  1. Choose DHCP Protocol from drop-down list.
  2. Press on Switch Protocol.


1102px-Network_rutos_manual_lan_as_wan_interface_setup_dhcp.png (117 KB)

After switching protocol More setting options will appear.

  1. Go to Physical Settings.
  2. From drop-down list choose previously created VLAN interface (in this example it is eth0.3)
  3. Press Apply & Save.


1102px-Network_rutos_manual_lan_as_wan_interface_physical_settings.png (89 KB)

Set/Check Firewall

Go to Network > Firewall > General Settings WebUI section. Click on Edit button on WAN zone.


1102px-Network_rutos_manual_lan_as_wan_firewall_general.png (302 KB)

In WAN zone settings

  1. Make sure that yours newly created interface is selected in Covered networks list.
  2. Click Save & Apply.
1102px-Network_rutos_manual_lan_as_wan_firewall_zone.png (276 KB)

Check new WAN interface

Insert WAN cable in selected port, go to Network > Interfaces WebUI section and if you followed steps correctly yours newly created WAN interface should be running and have an IP.


Network_rutos_manual_lan_as_wan_check.png (9 KB)

.htaccess per redirect domini su https

RewriteEngine On
Rewritecond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/\.well-known/(.*)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]